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Gender-based violence in equal times (GBV-ET)

This project examines why gender-based violence persists or even exacerbates, in contexts of advancing gender equality. Funded by the La Caixa Foundation through the 2024 Social Research Call (€115,000), further details are provided below, with a project brief available through this link.

Tormenta del Desierto

Project overview

This project is organized into three work packages.

The first work package focuses on comprehensively quantifying gender-based violence (GBV) by centralizing all existing GBV indicators in Spain into a single dataset. This dataset will track the evolution of GBV over time, allowing amongst other things, to asses whether increases in reported violence reflect actual rises in objective violence or greater predisposition to report. Additionally, this package includes the development of an innovative survey to further quantify GBV.

The second work package investigates the underlying causes of GBV and explores why its patterns have evolved differently across various regions in Spain. The third work package evaluates the impact and effectiveness of GBV prevention programs, providing insights into which interventions yield the most significant outcomes.

We are hiring!

We’ll soon be looking for a research assistant to support the construction of the dataset for this project. Full details about the position will be shared shortly.

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