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Curriculum vitae

You can download my CV or find the most relevant details below.

Academic positions

  • 2022-2024. Post-doctoral researcher. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

  • 2021-2022. Post-doctoral researcher. Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany)

  • 2017-2021. Doctoral researcher (FPI). Universitat de Barcelona.


  • Rincón L., 2022. The policy and political consequences of the B-Mincome pilot project. European Journal of Social Security

  • Rincón L., Vlandas, T., Hiilamo, H., 2022. What’s not to like? Benefit design, funding structure and support for a universal basic income. Journal of European Social Policy.

  • Rincón L., 2021.  A Robin Hood for All:- Support for universal cash transfers in a context of policy competition, a conjoint experiment in Spain. Journal of European Public Policy.

  • Rincón, L., 2020. ‘The silver bullet reversed: Does evidence increase policy-maker attention to policy proposals?’ 2019. Policy & Evidence.

  • 2020. ‘Snowballing or wilting? Identifying public support for universal basic income.’ with Chrisp, J.,  and Pulkka, V.V., Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (special issue).

  • 2020.  ‘The Contingent Character of Interest Groups-Political Parties’ with Chaqués, L., Cristancho, C., and Muñoz, L. Journal of Public Policy.

Teaching experience

  • Autumn 2022. Comparative Politics: 4 sessions (3rd year compulsory). UAB.

  • Autumn 2022. Electoral Analysis: 4 sessions (4th year optional). UAB.

  • Autumn 2022. Research methods: 3 sessions (Master's compulsory) UAB.

  • 2021-2022. BA Seminar on Public opinion of welfare state reform and social policy (English). Winter semester. Humboldt University

  • 2021-2022. Advanced seminar on Growth, Inequality and Poverty (English). Winter semester. Humboldt University

  • 2022. Growth, Inequality and Poverty (English). Part of the Master’s Degree. IBEI

  • Teaching Assistant for the post-graduate course of Data Analysis. University of Barcelona. 2020-2021.

  • 2018-2019. Collective Action and Interest Groups (U) 4th year optional subject within the BSc in Political Science at the University of Barcelona

  • 2017-2018. Tutoring of Final Year Dissertation (U). Dissertation title: Black and white feminism in the US: a historical and comparative approach. 

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