Find below a selection of my publications and ongoing research agenda.
Published papers
Rincón L., 2022. The policy and political consequences of the B-Mincome pilot project. European Journal of Social Security
Rincón L., Vlandas, T., Hiilamo, H., 2022. What’s not to like? Benefit design, funding structure and support for a universal basic income. Journal of European Social Policy.
Rincón L., 2021. A Robin Hood for All:- Support for universal cash transfers in a context of policy competition, a conjoint experiment in Spain. Journal of European Public Policy.
Rincón, L., 2020. ‘The silver bullet reversed: Does evidence increase policy-maker attention to policy proposals?’ 2019. Policy & Evidence.
2020. ‘Snowballing or wilting? Identifying public support for universal basic income.’ with Chrisp, J., and Pulkka, V.V., Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (special issue).
2020. ‘The Contingent Character of Interest Groups-Political Parties’ with Chaqués, L., Cristancho, C., and Muñoz, L. Journal of Public Policy.
Book chapters
2019. ‘Framing Basic Income Policy in Comparative Perspective.’ with Perikoo, J., and Van Draanen, J., In: Handbook of Basic Income Studies (Palgrave Macmillan). Forthcoming.
Forthcoming: 2023. Basic Income and Labour Market Policy. with Vlandas, T., 2021. Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies in Edward Elgar, edited by Daniel Clegg and Niccolo Durazzi
Forthcoming: 2023. Public support towards universal basic income. In: The Palgrave Handbook on Basic Income, edited by Malcolm Torry.

Monographs and reports
Rincón, L., (Forthcoming) Measuring sexual violence: a review of sexual violence surveys (Nativitat Yarza prize)
Rincón, L., 2021. The paradox of universality: preferences for universal basic income in Finland and Spain. Doctoral dissertation.
Cillán, M., Díaz, J., García, H., Giménez, S., and Rincón, L., 2020. Que se sepa. A large-scale survey on sexual violence experiences. (a dissemination report in spanish is available here)